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JLPT N1 Study Record and Thoughts (Day-2)


 One thing that I've found out today was the fact that the exam I would be taking in the States were not scheduled on July but on December. This meant that I had to prepare for this exam almost the whole year in this 2020

and to be honest I didn't plan out this study for that long.


 So I've changed my mind, I won't be studying Kanji as strict as I originally planned and will alter it in a way where my study goal from now on would be making myself skilled enough to read Japanese comic books and mystery novels rather than studying just for the pure exam purposes. This way I could still proceed with the study habit I just started and bring it all the way to the exam being held on December.


I have another option of going to a different country to take the July exam, but that just seems too much at this state. 


Personally, I think Japan is still a very closed country where most of the info I use with English won't reach their data bank whether it be the news, books, entertainment, academical papers, and etc. With this perspective in mind, learning Japanese text itself could benefit me a lot in the future if I continue to pursue it



Today's studying record. Not much... 




Another thing I realized while studying today was to use pen instead of mechanical pencil. Some how I felt it was much easier to write and felt smoother with a pen. 

It also made me to think that writing something down, especially something that I've never saw before (which is perfect for hard Kanjis in JLPT) stimulates my brain to work in a way that it never did before. I'm a typing guy even for English and Korean, it has been a while that I actually wrote something down on paper. But this experience made me to change my mind of actually using our hands to write something down. It surely has a different sense of vibe and a sensation that can't be brought from writing something down on a keyboard. I should keep on writing kanjis on paper even though it can be seen as time consuming and not much efficient, it will bring other benefits in different sections.