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App review: TODAI (Easy Japanese), Back to studying JLPT N1 (Day-4)

So it has been a while I've left to study JLPT after knowing that the exam will be held on December not in July. 


However, I've been constantly listening Japanese and have been studying it through diverse media materials in youtube or apps. It's just that I didn't have the time to sit down and actually write down Kanjis I did as before...


Today I've found a app in Appstore that could actually boost up any one who is studying JLPT or overall Japanese listening and reading. It's an app called TODAI Easy Japanese, which has Japanese news both for listening and reading with its Kanji words written also in Hiragana



This is the link that connects to download the app. 





Short description from the Appstore about the app.




The topic I studied today was about the Corona Virus outbreak that was going on in Italy. The news were about the schools in Italy changing their classes to all online to prevent further spread of the virus. 




As you can see, there is a play section at the bottom of the phone where you can listen and read the news itself and study both listening and reading. Not only that, the Kanji words are highlighted with different color to help you know where these words are frequently used in different JLPT levels.  


There are more specific info about each words if you do press on them, which makes this app so great for also preparing for the exam. 



Go right now and download the app through Appstore for improving your Japanese!




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